MJE Livestock Equipment first to Integrate Allflex® Ear Tag Readers

MJE Livestock Equipment first to Integrate Allflex® Ear Tag Readers
Article and photos courtesy of MJE Livestock Equipment
MJE Livestock Equipment, the leader in advanced wheel corrals for the livestock industry, has announced the introduction of integrated ear-tag readers into its Conquistador Wheel corral.
“By integrating ear-tag readers, we’ve taken the next logical step in the evolution of wheel corrals for modern cow-calf producers,” said Heather Jantz, COO of MJE Livestock Equipment. She continued, “The Conquistador is the safest, most flexible solution in the industry, now it’s the most technologically advanced. We have worked closely with the Allflex™ team to integrate their reader, allowing ranchers to achieve highly accurate readings.”
Typically, ranchers utilize hand wands to read ear tags. This can present challenges in terms of accuracy, plus the hand-held systems are expensive and susceptible to damage. “It is widely known that traceability is becoming more and more important,” said Jantz. “For cattle buyers, having an accurate history adds value. Our integrated system allows even the largest herds to be easily managed as individuals. We’ve brought together the most advanced wheel corral with the leading ear-tag system.”
She continued, “The better this system, the better you can track trends, monitor performance, identify issues, and isolate outliers. Now, for the first time, ranchers can purchase an ear tag system fully integrated into their wheel corral.”
About MJE Livestock Equipment
The Conquistador Wheel Corral with Allflex® ear-tag reader integration is available now through all MJE Livestock Equipment dealers.
MJE Livestock Equipment makes the lives of farmers and ranchers easier through strategic herd management advice, facility design, and American-made livestock equipment built with innovation that makes ranching easier and cattle safe, healthy, and happy.
To learn more about MJE Livestock Equipment and become part of their fast-growing network of dealers, visit our website: www.mjelivestocke !!lP-ment.com/dealers
For additional information, the news media should contact: Megan Elsey
Director of Public Relations and Marketing MJE Livestock Equipment megan@mjellc.net
(620) 846-2634