Exploring the Cattle Industry with The American Cattlemen Podcast

Exploring the Cattle Industry with The American Cattlemen Podcast
By Jessica Graham
Podcasts offer a wealth of information and opportunities for cattle producers, fitting conveniently into their busy schedules. On the American Cattlemen Podcast, we interview experienced producers and it’s almost like you’re standing next to them listening in on a conversation. “We interview, producers, manufactures, vets, but we also interview entertainers,” host Gale McKinney states. Some of the previous entertainers include: Nashville based singer-songwriter Hayley Payne, Ned LeDoux, Roxi Copeland, and singer, actor, model and cowboy R.W. Hampton.
Current News
One of the primary benefits to listening to The American Cattlemen Podcast is the community connection with news and events. One of the events covered is the wildfires in the southern USA impacting cattle producers. First and foremost, our hearts and prayers go out for all, especially the firefighters, farmers and ranchers effected by the wildfires in Texas and Oklahoma. We know over a million acres have been decimated, homes and ranches destroyed, and cattle operations have been ripped apart. We continue to support and pray for Texas and Oklahoma during this time. Other current news regarding current events, include cattle inventory projections, and the ag economy are discussed as well.
We also cover cattle conventions, like The National Cattlemen Beef Association (NCBA) annual conference. The NCBA Cattle Con, is the oldest and largest event for the cattle industry in the United States. We know it’s not feasible for you to attend every year, so we have you covered. As the leader in cattle news, we attend The NCBA Trade Show. This year, it offered attendees the chance to explore the newest equipment, technology, pharmaceuticals, and feed supplements for cattlemen.
Key Benefits of Producer Profiles
Our Producer Profiles focus on ranches located across the nation. You can learn about their unique history and current dynamics on their ranch. It’s always interesting to share and learn key success factors other cattlemen have uncovered, especially when it comes to marketing and capturing a premium on your quality cattle. By incorporating The American Cattlemen Podcasts into your routine, you will gain valuable knowledge, improve your operation, and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving agricultural industry.
The American Cattlemen Podcast wanted to inform and educate on a broad level, but we also want to connect people with people. According to Gale McKinney, owner, producer, and host of The American Cattlemen Podcast, we thought “Why can’t we interview these producers, talk to them about their sales, talk to them about their families, and bring that out to other producers? That has been a joy. I love doing that,” says Gale McKinney. Gale has the pleasure of getting to connect with cattle producers across the US. He learns about what makes their story, their operation unique and delves into some secrets uncovered. “I just interviewed a young man that just started about 10 years ago, he wasn’t even in the industry and now he has 400 head of cattle,” says Gale. Because of the vision for cattlemen to learn from and about each other, the producer profiles have taken off.
Industry Influencers: Shorty’s Caboy Hattery
Recently, we were able to interview Drake Jones, with Shorty’s Caboy Hattery, a USA company. Shorty started the business in 1990. She’s a former rodeo competitor and was inducted into the Cowgirl Hall of Fame. Shorty is one of the only female owned , started and operated hatteries in the USA. ”We’re a custom hattery. We measure your head, build a mold, and then build the hat around that mold.” Hats are manufactured in Oklahoma.
Sometimes we hear “I don’t want a good hat because I’d ruin it”, I often say “If you had a good hat, it’s a lot harder to ruin it,” says Drake. Shorty’s uses beaver pelts to make the highest quality hats. By listening to the podcast, it’s clear time and effort is poured out into every custom hat. Thank you Shorty’s Caboy Hattery for all you do!
Each podcast is different and offers a new set of prospectives and advice. You can stay up-to-date on the podcasts by subscribing to on your favorite podcast platform, or by checking out our website at: www.americancattlemen.com