American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Roger Osinchuk as he discusses the Wagyu Breed from a Veterinarian’s perspective.

Welcome to another episode of the American Cattlemen Podcast. Today’s episode continues our exciting series from our recent trip to the American Wagyu Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia. Gale sits down with Roger Osinchuk and talks about working with the Wagyu breed from a veterinarian’s perspective. Roger shares his experience regarding the general health of the breed as well as how the Wagyu breed meets the consumers demands for high quality and safe product.   We hope you enjoy this episode and series as much as we did.

For previous episodes of the American Cattlemen Podcast, please visit:


American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:

Rawhide Portable Corral

Lewis Cattle Oiler 

Udder Tech, Inc.  

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